
THE FALL (BBC series)

Excellente série diffusée sur BBC 2, bientôt disponible en DVD et sur Netflix. C’est aussi un bon moyen de se confronter à un accent irlandais et donc d’améliorer ses compétences de compréhension orale, ce qui est indispensable pour réussir son bac d’anglais 2015 ! The Guardian avait publié une excellente critique dont voici un court extrait :

« From a fine beginning to an absolutely stonking end. Even in the wake of last week’s sofa-munchingly scary cliffhanger, I half-expected the concluding episode of BBC Two’s The Fall would be a terrifying yet conventional cop-drama race to the finish, leaving the killer in jail, the kids tucked up in bed, and the world a safe and comfy place again. I couldn’t have been more wrong.

Instead we got a gripping, slow-burning, brilliantly constructed tease, with ice-cold supercop Stella Gibson (Gillian Anderson) inching ever closer to ever-madder serial killer Paul Spector (Jamie Dornan) – only to have him walk away at the end like Hannibal Lecter, free to strike terror into us all over again. »

The Fall season 1 – official trailer

The Fall season 2 – official trailer

THE FALL (BBC series)
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